
Oceanic Global NYC Hub Cleanup:
Rockaway Beach

Join the Oceanic Global NYC Hub in keeping Rockaway Beach clean on Saturday September 23rd!

Dr. Jenni Brandon

Dr. Jennifer Brandon is a marine biologist and ecologist who has spent most of the last
decade researching plastic pollution. She has developed multiple new techniques to
identify and quantify microplastics and has been interviewed dozens of times for her
expertise in marine plastics, including by NPR, The New Yorker, and the BBC. She is also an
expert in science communication, and has given hundreds of lectures and invited talks,
including as a National Academy of Sciences Distinguished Speaker and as a guest of the US
Consulate in Brazil.
In her career, she has managed projects around conservation and climate change for
everyone from NGOs, government entities, to foundations and impact investments. She has
worked on multiple aspects of climate change, from the ecological impacts of the increase
in shipping in the Arctic, the future of water in California over the next century, blue carbon
and carbon credits, and the impacts of climate change on African agriculture. She has
recently started her own climate and sustainability consulting firm, Wild Beacon
Jenni holds a BS in Biology and a BA in English from Duke University, and a MS in Marine
Biology and PhD in Biological Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
University of California San Diego.